Website Redesign or Refresh? When is it time to start over?

You’ve been busy and fallen behind on keeping your website updated. You spent all that time and money building it and now it looks dated, the images are old and the content describing your services isn’t quite right. Sound familiar?

It may be time for a website refresh. If your site is generally working for your business and no one is complaining about the functionality of the site. Consider a website refresh – here are some of the key areas for updating:

First, make sure there is a backup of the current site content and structure. Update the technical components of the site including CMS version, PHP version, Plugins, Security, and SSL Certificate. This will provide a secure platform and get you up to date technically.

We would update design elements, refresh images and content and review any functional requirements.


GCA Healthcare

If you have lots of functional requirements that you need to upgrade, it may be time to start over. This would be the time to take your business site to the next level. Here are some key considerations:

Is my site responsive? Meaning, can it be viewed from mobile and desktop devices?

How is the flow of the site – is it a good “user experience” (UX) and does my content drive visitors to request information?

Does the design and image of my site line up with my brand? Does it represent my business and services?

Can I easily update my content to keep it fresh and relevant?

Is the platform of my website up to date or am I vulnerable to security issues?

Consider your options and let us know if you have questions. We can help determine the best approach to your next website update or upgrade.